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Miami Property Management Blog

How to Prevent Property Damage in Your Miami Rental Property

System - Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Property Management Blog

While Miami remains a luxurious and exciting place to live, the truth of the matter is that it faces a large number of floods and other natural disasters as a result of its designation as a coastal city. This doesn't mean you need to panic, but it does mean you need to take a step back and make sure that any property you own will stand strong through it all.

But what steps can you take to prevent all this?

Well, we're glad you asked. Here's our guide on how to prevent property damage in your Miami rental property.

But enough talk! Let's get right into things.

Preventing Flood-Based Property Damage

To prevent your property from suffering a lot of damage during a flood, aim to keep it on elevated ground if possible and use water-resistant materials like vinyl over wood to alleviate any water degradation done to the exterior of the house. Keeping your appliances raised off the ground and on separate circuits helps reduce the risk of electrical damage and electrocution. 

It's also important to ensure there is an adequate drainage system near your property to drain the runoff water away from the property. 

Keeping Tenants in Line

Of course, not all property damage stems from the elements. To prevent dealing with the consequences of reckless tenants, make sure to take photos and notes about the condition of the property before they move in.

That way, if they try to claim some damage was pre-existing and not their fault, you have evidence to prove them wrong. Of course, knowing how to screen tenants in advance will help stop you from entering these kinds of scenarios in the first place.

You should also pay attention to how negotiations go during the tenancy agreement. This is where you and the tenant will decide who is responsible for handling what level of repairs.  This way, you know what duties fall on your shoulders and which the tenant is liable for.

General Safety Tips

You should also look around your property to make sure all the safety systems are at full capacity. For example, make sure the smoke detectors have fresh batteries and check the cords on all your appliances to make sure there are no breaks or frayed wires.

You should also provide your tenants with a basic fire escape plan so they know the best routes to use in the event of a fire. You should also make sure the property has sufficient ventilation to protect it from humidity damage caused by Miami's infamous summer heat.

Insure Your Property

Finally, make sure that you get landlord's insurance on any property you plan to lease out. While it tends to offer less substantial protection than homeowner's insurance (since you aren't living in the property, you're less of a sure bet that the property stays safe in an insurance company's eyes), they do offer bonus compensation if the damage would cause you to lose out on rent payments or other bonuses like that.

Make sure you keep an eye out for the damage cap on your insurance, however. This cap dictates how much of the insurance payout you can use to cover any damage that happens to a property you rent out. So, a $50,000 policy with a $600 damage cap means you only get $600 to fix whatever problem occurred. 

Property Management? No Sweat

So, now you know all about how to prevent property damage for your Miami rental property. That said, what else can you do to help add extra security to it all? Well, you can always reach out to our offices and find a cavalcade of resources to help you become a better and more secure landlord today!
